RISER Regina
RISER Regina will support the development and production of four Regina-based shows each year, with participants receiving significant in-kind resources, producing mentorship & training, and connections with the wider performing arts community.
RISER is supported by the Government of Canada, RBC Foundation, and a community of Senior Partners. RISER Regina is presented by On Cue Performance Hub & Why Not Theatre.

RISER is a collaborative producing model for performance artists and companies to create and present new work. It was developed by Why Not Theatre in 2014 in order to address the challenges of producing independent theatre in Toronto, including the high cost of production, difficulty building audiences, and inefficient use of resources and infrastructure.
RISER brings together senior leadership from the theatre community with underserved artists in order to maximize existing infrastructures, share resources and risk, help build new audiences, and support a commitment to create and innovate. Through this collaborative approach, RISER participants receive enough in-kind resources to help reduce their costs of production by one third on average. Participants also commit to a year-long mentorship and training program with a focus on developing producing skills.
The heart of RISER – whose participants are generous, flexible, curious, and willing to share and work in new ways – is about building relationships to create an interdependent theatre ecosystem where the success of one is the success of many.
Senior Partners
RISER is a collaborative producing model – and relies on a community of partners to support a new generation of artists. Senior Partners are a diverse group of established theatre and community organizations that each year contribute resources, mentorship and support to the RISER artists. Throughout the year, RISER connects the participants with the Senior Partners to help build new long-term relationships.