Invitation for Creative Partnerships
On Cue is a new nonprofit organization in Regina mandated to provide opportunities that will strengthen existing performance companies and allow emerging artists to flourish, both creatively and financially. We believe that there is strength in skill sharing and collaboration and in that vein, we hope we can partner with YOU! Here is our statement of purpose:
Our Goal: To strengthen Regina’s theatre and performing arts community; afford greater public access to these art forms; and increase the viability of professional performing arts groups and individual artists’ careers.
Objective 1: To create a “shared platform”—a non-profit organization focused on supporting the needs of performing artists (established and emerging), cultural workers and smaller performing arts organizations in Regina through shared access to space; publicity and box office support; and technical expertise for live and digital production.
Objective 2: To increase the availability of affordable and accessible spaces suitable for the needs of performing artists and cultural workers in Regina—including digital facilities and professional quality performing arts theatres.
Our Vision: A broader and more diverse community of Regina performing artists and groups realizing their creative visions and a financially sustainable creative practice through the engagement of citizens and visitors in a robust array of well-presented and produced performing arts offerings.
We are offering a Test Drive Season designed to help us assess how we can best serve artists and audiences and develop truly sustainable strategies prior to offering our first full season - September 2022 to June 2023.
Fundamentally, we want the Regina performance community to succeed – particularly coming out of COVID. We want you to do what you do best – and we can help you do more of that, if you will let us. A key focus for us involves shining a spotlight on newcomer, First Nations and other marginalized performing artists and projects and underscoring the importance of working together. Within this notion lies a broad range of perspectives – yours included! This is an invitation to explore possible collaborations or ways forward – if not now, then at some point in the future.